WOC (Women of Color) Boomer Bloggers, we know you are out there! Do you remember where you were when the Voting Rights Act was signed in 1965? Today marks the 50th anniversary.
Women of Color (WOC) Baby Boomers are 50 years old+. Born between 1946-1964, we are daughters of the Civil Rights movement. African American Civil Rights activists created the blueprint and laid the foundation for the success of the women’s movement and many immigrants.
We are still radical. Some of us live our lives out loud. Others thrive on a quiet path in mind, body and soul. Yet, we continue to break down barriers and preserve freedom in our own special way. Did you know we were pioneers? Most of us were the ‘first’ women of color to achieve all kinds of thing. That’s why we have moral authority to have our say about what is happening in America today. We can use our unique voices, experience and wisdom to teach, mentor and listen to the younger generation. By blogging we are showing that our voices have not been silenced by age. We do own a lion share of the consumer marketing space. Why brands do not market to us more widely is beyond me. Maybe we should use our economic power in more strategic ways.
Women of Color need to communicate with each other. I believe that we women can save the world! Let’s unite on the many issues that impact our lives and this planet. Many of us were children activists marching along with our parents for the right to vote. Armed US military guards escorted some of us to school as children. Some of us saw our children and lands taken from us. We survived terrorism, exploitation, racism, sexism, segregation, Jim Crow Laws and more.
In honor of the Voting Rights Act 50th anniversary, this list of 50+ year old Women of Color Bloggers is offered as a beginning of our mission to connect and build community. We included one male blogger. We are still searching for more MOC Boomer brothers! (Men of Color).
If we find 100 WOC and MOC Boomer Bloggers, we will create a free directory.
The following WOC bloggers write about culture, food, sustainability, history, mothers, grandmothers, entrepreneurs, reinvention, reimagination, photography, art, and media. We post on genealogy, spirituality, faith, empowerment, intimacy, relationships, fashion, hair, gardening, parenting, homeschooling, travel, fitness, cooking, healthy eating, tech, books, films, politics and more.
Sharon Leslie Morgan PotLikker: African-American Cookbook, Soul Food, Women in the Kitchen; Our Black Ancestry
Sarah Khan Food, Culture, Climate and Sustainability
Renate Genealogist Yarborough Sanders Into the Light: Demystifying the Past and Uncovering an Elusive Ancestry
Angela Walton-Raji The African-Native American Genealogy Blog
Drusilla Pair Find Your Folks: A Journal about Family and History
Patricia Patton Creative Aging: Creating Playbooks for the Life You Want
Wanda Sabir Well-Being of African People Past, Present and Future
Cherilyn “Liv” Wright The Wise Boudoir: On Intimacy and Relationships
Pamela Swear-King Still Dating My Spouse: Relationship Practices that Promote Connection, Commitment, Communication, and Consistency
Paula Penn-Nabrit Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden, Sunday School Sisters, Homeschooling
Johnetta Miner Lifestyle Wellness: Integrative Holistic Education, Wellness Coaching, Business Leadership and Lifestyle Management
Nicka Smith Who is Nicka Smith?: Genealogy, Photography and all the stuff in between
Eva Yaa Asantewaa Infinite Body: Art and Creative Consciousness
Babz Rawls Ivy Love Babz: A Life in Transition-notes on being an ex-wife, mother, felon, and citizen of the world
Deborah Smikle-Davis Urban Naturale: Living Healthy, Vegan, Green and Natural
Monique Wells Entrée to Black Paris: Say “bonjour” to Black Paris- A One of a Kind Black Heritage Destination
Sandra Lewis Life in 4-Part Harmony: Tune In & Find Your Rhythm, Make Good Life Music
Gennia Holder Time to Go Virtual: Marketing and Business Strategist; A passion for helping entrepreneurs
Francis Best Stanfield Frantastically Fran: Alopecia Awareness, Family Ties, Menopause Minute, Simply Frugal
Anu Prestonia Khamitkinks: Fashion, Style, Body & Spirit
Elle Gibson Spendid Habitat: Interior Design and Style Ideas for Your Home
Elaine Shelly-Burns Transformations Possible: How to Craft a Heartmade Life and Creative Reinvention Coach
Taylor Gilmore Creating in Faith and Grace; 40 Days Devotional
Lorraine Laddish Viva Fifty: A Bilingual Community that Celebrates Being 50+
Dr. Tina Opie & Fredrick Douglas Opie, From Dreadlocks to Mini-Afro: Hair as identity; Food as a Lens: Telling Stories about Food Traditions

Camera shy WOC Boomer bloggers
Pamela Lynn Kemp, Through the Maze of Life, A Christian Writer’s Journey Through the Maze of Life
M Hakikah Shamsiden (Garden of Wellness: Healing is my Spiritual Practice. I help women make the connection between inner health and outer beauty
Lisa Y. Henderson (Scuff Along: Genealogy)
Please send links for other WOC Boomer Bloggers who should be included on our list.
Yours in the struggle.
This is Awesome. I’m spreading the word by sharing. Power to the #babyboomerbloggers !
Thank you Elle, for your support of us boomer bloggers. You know we gotta have our say in this blog space too!
Hi Sylvia,
I can’t wait to visit each of these WOC blogs! It’s so nice to explore their unique voices and visions. Thank you for including me too! I appreciate it! I’m in such awesome company!
Thank you Deborah for stopping by. I always read your posts and appreciate your efforts to keep us healthy in mind, body and soul!
Hey Ladies, great idea. I’m not a boomer blogger, but I support the mission none the same. It’s past time for our story to be told. Good luck!
We sure appreciate your support, T. Michelle Curry. If you have any boomer topics that you would like to see us cover, please let me know. We trying to open up more generation-to-generation dialogues.
Glad to see this blog post. Thanks so much for sharing information with us about women of color bloggers.
Hi Michele, Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to getting to know your work.
Thanks for helping us discover these wonderful bloggers. I’d add myself to the list. I blog about outsourcing, automation and delegation for women small biz owners who want to stop doing everything at http://OutsourceEasier.com. I’m on a mission to get us grow our businesses better faster!
Hello Dina, Thank you for stopping by and reaching out. I love the work you are doing to help Boomer women. Right on!
As they say “better late than never”! I just read this post on FB. I”m very excited to read about all of these WOC who are bloggers. I am a babyboomer & a blogger.I’m eagerly excited to become a part of this important and growing trend!
Thank you!
Hello Jo Ann, Thank you for stopping by. Glad to meet another Boomer Blogger! We are a big part of the population. Let’s stay in touch!