Funny Friday. I really don’t know why they were there. And, I didn’t ask. But, there they were. I could not resist. I struck a pose with them. Elvis look-alikes come in all sizes, ages, nationalities and genders.
Some Elvis tribute artists—most Elvis fans hate the word “impersonator”– were gathered outside of Harlem’s Apollo Theater recently one fine afternoon.
Maybe they knew that Geri Allen & Friends had just finished their show “Celebrate the Great Jazz Women of the Apollo” show that I had just attendees with friends and family.
Maybe they were there because it was the day before Mother’s Day. Or, maybe it’s getting near summer when everything Elvis pops out, even in Harlem. August will mark the 36th year of his transition. So stay tuned for more pelvis-swiveling, jump-suited Elvis look-alikes coming to your neighborhood too.
Do you have a Funny Friday story?