
Auntyland affirms and honors Black, Indigenous, and People of Color aunt narratives, artists, and businesses through our annual holiday – Real Aunties Day. Because of COVID19, we shifted all activities online. We believe in scholarship and community. We aim to disrupt stereotypes about aunts and mature women of color with events, programs, and a new holiday called ‘Real Aunties Day’ set on March 8.

Decolonize Women’s History Month

“In our world, the word ‘Auntie’ and the ‘aunt’ role present complex historical and cultural meanings. Today, in 2021, colonialism and racism still impact our lives. Auntyland is an intersectional place where race, gender, and age meet. With ‘Real Aunties Day’ on March 8, we want to bring together some realness, to decolonize some national holidays starting with Women’s History Month,” said Sylvia Wong Lewis, Auntyland founder, and proud auntie.


Aunt stories will take center stage for the first time. Mothers and grandmothers have been studied and celebrated for eons.  But few understand the world of aunts. That’s where we come in. We will bring more creativity, scholarship, and rigor to teach about the aunt world.

Pronoun-defying superheroes

Why Auntyland? Because aunts are pronoun-defying superheroes, who have been overlooked too long! Aunts are chosen kinfolks, sometimes biological relations, second mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, and more. Aunties play pivotal roles in strengthening Black, Brown, and Tan families and communities. We are especially reaching out to African American, Caribbean, African, and Asia women and siblings to document unique and resilient families and community traditions. This is the first time ‘real auntie’ stories will be collected and archived dynamically.

Activism, Social Justice

Auntyland is also a whimsical place full of joyful and amazing women. We are passionate about life and love. AND activism and social justice are our biggest concerns. Did you see us keeping vigil for the caged children at the borderlands? Do you see us marching and protesting daily for equality everywhere? Didn’t we save American Democracy at an Alabama election? Today more than ever, we need to disrupt the race, gender, and age bias– and take control of our narratives. Our voices and images are too often dismissed and stereotyped. No more!

Aunties Rule!

“When I think about my ‘aunties,’ I am filled with awe and gratitude. My mother’s friends and my parent’s siblings intervened in my life and the lives of my peers in pivotal ways. We hope to bring back some of that positive ‘auntie’ energy. “Where Sisterhood lives, Aunties Rule!’ is our motto. We aim to be a motivational and community-building space. Through our digital platform, events, and e-store, we hope to inspire, educate, and entertain,” Lewis added.

Have you ever been called ‘Auntie’ or ‘Titi’? Do you call anyone Auntie or Titi? These are cultural terms of endearment and respect titles for Caribbean, Latina, African, Asian, African American women, and siblings. But the word and the role can present different meanings depending on the circumstances. Let’s explore Auntyland!


Share your stories

Let’s schedule your interview to be featured on our website, podcasts, or videos. Talk about ‘aunties’ of all kinds. Honor an Auntie by sharing her story for our archives. Share what’s happening in your world! Do you have aunties–related, chosen, or found in genealogy? Are you an aunt or grand aunt? Are you taking care of a niece, nephew, young or old? Are you living with an Auntie?

‘Real Aunties Day’: Our public programs and events, including films, sports, arts, workshops, panels, and festivals, will cover topics and issues for and about aunties and mature women of color. Details to come soon.

Photography/Artists: We are reaching out to mature women writers, artists, and creatives of all kinds: photos, artwork, illustrations, multimedia to be featured in our public programs.

Funding: We are community-based in New York City and independently funded via grants through our fiscal sponsorship with Fractured Atlas. To make a tax-deductible donation, click the direct link here.

Contact: If interested, please send an email to














Godparents Day!


Happy Godparent’s Day! In the US, Godparents Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of June. I was thrilled to hear that this holiday existed. My Godparents were substitute parents for me. My primary Godmother, Aunt Sybil, was my mother’s oldest sister. She was my ‘other mother’ and teacher. She taught me about spirituality and about my Caribbean heritage. I owe her my appreciation for gardening and Diaspora cooking, especially Chinese Trinidad, Guyana food. She was my mentor, spiritual, personal, professional, and financial advisor throughout my whole life. I mentioned ‘primary’ Godmother, as I actually had another set of Godparents! Those included a paternal Protestant uncle and a maternal Buddhist/Catholic aunt (in photo above)! Godparents were also called ‘sponsors’ among some of my multicultural kinfolks.

However, Godparents can be a mixed bag. On the one hand, you have the film ‘The Godfather’ where the ‘family’ is a group of dysfunctional people with vendettas. Many of today’s modern families don’t name Godparents for their children. Some Godmothers and Godfathers lavish their Godchildren with money and gifts for every birthday and holiday imagined! Some Godparents are always available to babysit their Godchild. Some Godchildren show no appreciation for this tradition.

Becoming a Godparent: Godparenting is about religious responsibilities and being a support to the parents. An important point here is that in some cultures, you have the right and duty to stand up to the parent if they are not being good parents! Usually Godparents are asked to participate in the Christening and Baptism of a child and sometimes an adult. There are religious rites and duties for being a Godparent and a Godchild! Many people choose Godparents for their children to honor a friendship. Some people choose for financial reasons. It’s up to you to decided whether you accept this honored role. No matter the reason, being a Godparent is all about being a positive role model to a child. It’s also up to you to decide if you will choose a Godparent for your child. If you do, how will you decide who will make a good Godparent for your child?

Being a Godchild: I always took my role as a Goddaughter serious. I believe the basic rules: Be there! Show up in every way you can! I called and visited my Godmother often throughout my whole life. I became her daughter and right-hand person as much as I could until she transitioned. I also had adopted Godmothers from among neighbors and friend’s parents, especially during my teen years and young adulthood! It’s important for Godchildren to understand that it’s a relationship. They should remember their Godparent’s birthday, Christmas and more.

As a genealogist, I found important family history in religious documents such as Baptisms, Christenings, and Bible records. (The above document is my brother Sidney’s Baptism record in the Episcopal Church. He was also Baptized in a Catholic Church, as mentioned in blog post below.)These religious ceremony documents also provide needed legal value too! Here’s a related excerpt from my past blog post: “Many mothers delay naming their children,” said an NYC official who requested anonymity. As a genealogist trying to prove a client’s identity, my first thought was to go to church—in this case, the Roman Catholic Church.” To read more, click here.

How do you honor your Godparents? How did/would you choose a Godmother or Godfather for your child?


Autumn rituals

Do you have Autumn rituals? I do. It’s about accepting change in mind, body and soul. Nature changes with each new season. So must we. I believe that we all follow seasonal rituals whether conscious or unconscious that were passed down or learned along the way. I wonder what could be in an autumn ‘tool kit’? What do we need to do to open our hearts for this new season? What do you do to indulge your senses with sights, sounds, and scents of Autumn?

Autumn FlowersI usually start in my kitchen. I fill my home with spicy aromas that inspire warmth and memories. I enjoy everything pumpkin and squash, especially pumpkin spice lattes. I go crazy with apples. Hearty family recipes using beans, greens and root veggies are certainly finding action in my pots too. I am still gardening!

Sights: Autumn is my favorite season. As a New Yorker, going to ‘see’ the Fall colors in Brooklyn Botanical Garden @bklynbotanic, Central Park @CentralParkNYC, and Wave Hill @WaveHill are traditions. Vibrant green, pink, lavender, gold, orange, magenta, brown and purple New England memories are also sealed in my heart from my @smithcollege years. The melancholy vibration of autumn does not bother me. Going outside into nature is good therapy. I see signs of hope everywhere. I’m ready to face that summer is over. The leaves are falling and many of my flowers are gone. But my urban garden—simple containers on my roof— is still thriving. Wild grass, boxwoods, Japanese maples, evergreen bushes, collard greens, kale, herbs and flowers are still sprouting.

my urban garden








Mind, Body & Soul: Some of my Autumn rituals have ‘back to work—back to school’ elements. I have a new Fall reading list that includes real books, especially cook books, in addition to news articles and blogs. I moved my leftover summer reading list to another pile. My closet is getting scattered for color and pieces to be layered. Happily, I completed a recent bit of de-cluttering. And speaking of body, I re-started swimming class at the YMCA again!

Indigenous rally at Columbus Circle

Activism: I am re-focused on activism with my slavery healing group, Coming to the Table and Indigenous Remembrance Day (re-naming Columbus Day)








mulling spices







Scents of Autumn: Caribbean Mulling Spice

Try my easy Caribbean mulling spice recipe to fill your home with spicy aromas. Mulling is simply adding spices to your beverage and warming it up. Use whole spices instead of ground to keep down grittiness and cloudiness.


1 gallon Apple Cider or Cranberry Juice or 2 bottles of Red Wine (a fruity type like Zinfandel)

8 Cinnamon sticks

8 Whole cloves

*2Star anise (see note)

8 Allspice berries

2 Nutmeg whole

Ginger, about 3 pieces, fresh sliced on diagonal, 1/8th thick

1 Orange, use grated peels of 1 whole orange

1 Lemon, use grated peels of 1 lemon

1 tsp. Vanilla extract

*Options: Star Anise can be overpowering for some. Instead, add 8 Cardamom pods, delete Star Anise to create a lighter taste!

How to Mull

Pour liquid into a pot; add spices, ingredients, bring to gentle boil, simmer over low heat. It’s great for many hours. Add more liquid as you go.

Mulling Ways: You can also use mulled spices for Maple Syrup for your pancakes or waffles. Pour Maple Syrup into a pan, use half amount of mulling spices, bring to low boil. Simmer 30 minutes.

Autumn clothingTraditional Autumn Rituals: My sister, a performance artist, combines Native American and traditional African, Asian ancestral rituals. She burns incense and sage bush to clear evil spirits. She sent me a video of her recent ‘home blessing’ gathering. Scented candles were lit to ‘intentionally’ mark and welcome the new season. We both practice Feng Shui. Before it was a designer trend, our mother incorporated this ancient Chinese art of balancing our home for health, wealth, happiness with colors and nature elements such as wood, water, earth, and metal. A focus on the ‘ancestor’ bagua or section of your home is particularly important during this season. Make sure you have an area of your home to honor your ancestors with photos, clothing, quilts, books or items passed down. For more on Feng Shui, click here.

Autumn Home Fragrance: To bring autumn fragrance into your home simply place the mulling spices into about a gallon of water in a big pot. Remember to adjust use of Star Anise. Allow the spices to come to a low boil. Keep it simmering all day in a pot or slow cooker on low. Add more liquid to keep going. Inhale. Exhale.

Autumn aroma gift bags: Make simple gifts for visitors. Shopping for spices is one of my passions. I love Mexican cinnamon, which has a larger, softer bark and a nice intense flavor. It can be found in many NYC ethnic neighborhoods. Put together a nice bunch of spices into a glass jar; tie with a colorful ribbon; or place spices in cheesecloth and tie with kitchen string.

Autumn Aromatherapy Bath:


1 1/2 cup of Epson Salt

10 drops Rosemary oil

10 drops Eucalyptus oil

4 drops Geranium oil

Baby bubble bath, (Lavender) as preferred

Bowl or container for mixing

Directions: This recipe will clear your lungs for deep breathing and provide calming too. Add Epson Salt to a bowl or container, add essential oils to the salts. Run hot water in the tub for bath. Pour oil-soaked Epsom salts and a few caps of bubble bath soap into hot bath water. Light a candle, dim lights. Play meditation music. Soak and breathe deep for at least 30 minutes. Welcome Autumn with serenity! For more aromatherapy bath ideas, click here. For a list of Autumn essential oils click here.

For information about meditations for accepting seasonal changes meditations click here.

What are your Autumn rituals?

Afro-Asian Diaspora Food Profiles

Afro-Asian Diaspora food flavor profiles can create culinary game change in your kitchen. I spent the whole summer exploring Japanese, Korean and Creole cuisine, especially vegetable side dishes. Although I am more experienced with Soul-Chinese food, I thought it would be helpful to post a comprehensive list of Diaspora food profiles. Hopefully, this list can be useful to your ethnic food cooking journeys!

I grew up in a multicultural family eating a mix of food from my Chinese, South Indian, Caribbean, Southern Creole and African ancestors. The Transatlantic Slave Trade, indenturedness, migration and immigration dispersed the African and Asian peoples throughout the Americas. As a result, these food cultures intersected and intermingled with Native tribes and European colonizers to create double and triple Creolizations. In my family, we jokingly refer to our home cooking as Afro-Asian-Indo-Caribbean-Soul food. My husband calls my food ‘Creole Chinese.’ The essence of Afro-Asian Diaspora food is found in ingredients and flavor profiles. Merging various ethnic flavor profiles, seasonings and ingredients into one pot can change your life! What’s amazing is that many Afro-Asian ingredients can be found in your local Chinatown. Okra, yams, pumpkin, chow chow, ginger, cilantro, and hot peppers are always there.

What is Flavor Profiles? “A flavor profile includes the overall attributes and tastes of a particular food product or cuisine. Due to trade and globalization, numerous cuisines around the world use many of the same basic foods, but may season those foods in distinctive ways. In the United States, enslaved Africans brought their native foods such as okra, black-eyed peas, and yams, and also incorporated corn and other local ingredients. Especially in the South, many typical foods have strong ties to this African tradition.” (EcoLiteracy)

What is Diaspora? The term ‘diaspora’ comes from an ancient Greek word meaning “to scatter about.” Many of us are descendants of Diasporan people — scattered from our homeland over generations to places around the globe. We spread and intermixed our culture organically. The Bible uses the word Diaspora to describe the Jews who were exiled from Israel by the Babylonians. But the word is used to describe me and you and many people and cultures in America.

 Here is our list of Afro-Asian Diaspora flavor profiles:















Cajun & Creole

  • Andouille sausage
  • bell pepper
  • blackberries
  • blackening seasonings
  • Cajun spice blends
  • cayenne
  • celery
  • collard greens
  • corn
  • crab
  • cucumbers
  • dark roux
  • figs
  • garlic
  • green pepper
  • Gumbo File
  • lemon
  • lime
  • mirlitons
  • okra
  • onions
  • parsley
  • pecans
  • scallions
  • shrimp
  • squash
  • Tabasco peppers
  • tomatoes















Caribbean Islands

  • allspice
  • banana
  • black-eyed peas
  • brown sugar
  • cassava
  • chiles
  • coconut
  • corn
  • fig
  • grapefruit
  • nutmeg
  • orange
  • pigeon peas
  • pummelo
  • lime
  • lima beans
  • salt fish
  • sweet potatoes
  • taro root
  • thyme
  • yams















  • avocado
  • black beans
  • cassava fruits
  • chiles
  • cilantro
  • coconut
  • dried shrimp
  • guava
  • lime
  • malagueta pepper
  • manioc (cassava)
  • palm oil
  • passion fruit
  • pineapple
  • rice
  • sweat pepper
















West African

  • allspice
  • black pepper
  • chiles
  • coriander
  • cubeb berries
  • ginger
  • lemon
  • okra
  • onions
  • palm oil
  • peanuts
  • plantains
  • thyme
  • tomatoes
  • white pepper
  • yams








North African

  • almonds
  • anise
  • caraway seed
  • cardamom
  • carrots
  • cayenne
  • chickpeas
  • chiles
  • cinnamon
  • cilantro
  • cinnamon
  • coriander seed
  • cumin
  • dates
  • eggplant
  • figs
  • ginger
  • green bell peppers
  • ground ginger
  • Harissa sauce
  • honey
  • lemon
  • lentils
  • mace
  • mint
  • nutmeg
  • olives
  • onion
  • paprika
  • parsley
  • raisins
  • turmeric










South African

  • barbecued meat
  • cassava leaves
  • chiles
  • chili
  • curry
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • groundnut powder
  • lime
  • maize
  • okra
  • onions
  • palm oil
  • peanuts
  • potatoes
  • tomatoes














  • cashews
  • dark soy sauce
  • dried shiitake
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • jasmine rice
  • mirin (rice wine)
  • oyster sauce
  • peanuts
  • ponzu
  • samal oelek (chile garlic sauce)
  • scallions
  • sesame oil
  • sesame seeds
  • soy
  • sriracha
  • tamari









  • Basmati rice
  • black mustard seed
  • cardamom
  • cilantro
  • coconut milk
  • coriander
  • cumin
  • curry
  • dried chiles
  • fennel
  • fenugreek
  • fresh chilies
  • garam masala
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • lentils
  • nonfat plain yogurt
  • onions
  • potatoes
  • pulses
  • saffron
  • spinach
  • tamarind
  • tandoori spices
  • turmeric
  • whole cardamom
  • yogurt









  • bonito flakes
  • dried shiitake
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • kombu
  • mirin
  • miso
  • nori
  • ponzu
  • rice vinegar
  • sake
  • scallions
  • sesame seed oil
  • sesame seeds
  • short-grained rice
  • soba
  • soy sauce
  • udon
  • wasabi









  • kimchi
  • fermented soybean paste (doenjang)
  • fish sauce
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • green onion
  • onions
  • pepper paste (gochugang)
  • rice vinegar
  • rice wine
  • scallions
  • sesame oil
  • sesame seeds
  • short-grained rice
  • soy sauce
  • sweet potato
  • vegetable side dishes
  • vegetables fermented in brine

For examples of Afro-Asian Diaspora recipes, click on these links:

JJ Johnson’s Pork Suya with Kimchi

Carribean-Asian Recipes

Afro-Asian Rice Treat (vegan)

Afro-Asian Salad (vegan)

Note: Thank you to Vivian Lee of Mt. Holyoke, for contributing research, photography and writing for this post.

What’s in your ethnic food cupboard?

QM2 musings

QM2 at Red Hook, BrooklynQueen Mary 2 (QM2) was a lovely way to start our summer vacation. We were celebrating our anniversary and my successful BBC Radio project. Cunard Line was celebrating too–its 175th anniversary. Its grand style, formal dress codes, afternoon teas, chamber music, ballroom dancing, and sea air added up to a memorable time. Yes, this was quite a change from your usual cruise. You might avoid the word ‘cruise’ while aboard any of Cunard’s exceptional fleet which include Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria and the Queen Mary 2. This was an ‘Atlantic Crossing!’ Many consider the QM2 crossing, a trip of a lifetime! It was.

Ancestral thoughts: We embarked from Red Hook, Brooklyn Pier for seven days at sea. Why did I think about slave ships that stole my ancestors away from Africa and China? I also imagined war as thousands of WWII US soldiers slept below deck on hammocks. The original Queen Mary  was once a war ship. It is now a hotel and museum in Long Beach, Ca. My Chinese West Indian grandfather came to mind too. My brother Sidney reminded me that our maternal grandfather was a British citizen. He arrived in Harlem from England aboard the Queen Mary years ago. He was born in Guyana while it was still a colony called British Guiana or “BG.”

QM2, Balcony stateroomSouthampton, England was our QM2 destination. Our plans included an extra week in London for BBC and museum meetings, visiting friends and eating. We also traveled via Virgin Rail to Liverpool. The Transatlantic International Slave Museum was our ultimate goal. Funny how everyone thought we were seeking Beatles’ history!

Showtime: Our favorite show on the QM2 was the Four Tunes. All male tenors, they sang Broadway hits from the Jersey Boys, Phantom of the Opera and more. We saw them twice! I also loved the dancing—promenade, circle, square and ballroom dancing. On the first formal evening we were treated to an Edwardian promenade dance lesson. It was fun to feel like we were inside of a scene from Downton Abbey! Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) performances were among the daily entertainment offerings. I was delighted to see a brother portray Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. And speaking of brothers, we wondered if we were the only black folks on this luxury trip.

QM2, BFF from Brixton

People: Eventually, I spotted about 10 black folks out of approximately 2400 passengers. An African American family from Shreveport, Louisiana became our new BFFs. We enjoyed breakfast with them almost everyday. My other BFF was a Bajan sister from Brixton. We quickly embraced as if we were sisters while on the kitchen tour. (photo on left) Several gay couples from the Friends of Dorothy, Cunard’s LGBT group and the Young Adults (18-30) livened things up too. There were meet-up groups for singles young and old and special topics too. Beyond Boomers: The mostly European passengers, whose average age was 70+, were friendly, fun and feisty. I loved how they switched from sedate to swinging once the music played. The orchestra, led by another brother, who was a suave vocalist, orchestra leader and MC, drew everyone to their feet. At Afternoon Tea, oldsters danced in casual clothes. In the evening they danced in ball gowns and tuxedos. Each dance style was announced: ”Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the… Rhumba, Quick Step, Waltz, Cha Cha, Tango, Salsa.” Very skilled male and female dance ‘hosts’ were available as dance partners for everyone! Did you hear that? Dance partners for everyone–even little kids! I did see a few children on this trip. My dance card was filled all the time. Yes, I learned how to ballroom dance on this trip. I danced with male and female partners daily. What a ball! It was a nice change of pace from the Electric Slide!

QM2, Afternoon TeaFood: Pace yourself. Like most cruises, there’s lots of eating. This is where the superb Cunard staff shines!Nowhere is the sheer volume of food on a cruise more apparent than on a boat like the Queen Mary 2. Feeding 2,400 guests each day three meals a day means that up to 15,000 meals are served on a daily basis. Add to this the fact that the Queen Mary 2 only uses Wedgwood crockery and linen napkins over disposable ware. This makes the operation larger than one could ever consider.” Click here for more.  Foodies interested in the private kitchen tour (It’s not free!), you must wake up early on Day 1 to sign-up. There was a long line of about 100 people waiting at 8am for only 20 spots! We ate breakfast in the casual King Court buffet on Deck 7. Get there early or late as everyone angles for window seats. It’s a cafeteria with lots of buffet stations. Lunch and dinner were more civilized in the upscale Britannia Dining Room. We usually skipped lunch in favor of Afternoon Tea. We chose the early dinner seating at 6pm so we could take in an early show afterwards. We were assigned to a ‘table for two’ as we requested. You must choose your dining time and seating during booking. We loved our cheerful dinner neighbors—a retired Polish couple from Chicago and a retired British couple from Sheffield, England. The British couple had VIP status having sailed 25 round-trips from Southampton. They had the inside scoop on staff and other ship old-timers. They regaled us with stories. We loved the one about the merry old Bavarian widow who booked a separate stateroom just for her ball gowns and dancing shoes. She was actually on board. Once the music played, she discarded her walker and waltzed around the ballroom with various partners like a champ. She was a star!

QM2 bakery demoMy Routine: After about three days of themed evenings (Masquerade Night, etc.) and tuxedos, my husband slowed down a bit with a cold. Doses of cough medicine purchased from a well-stocked gift shop helped him rest. While he napped, I went exploring. Funny how every time I returned, he seemed ‘cured.’ The TV would be blasting and books and newspapers were strewn about. I presented ’my report’ about the ship’s layout, short cuts, videos and photos from my adventures until he needed another dose of cough medicine. Our stateroom TV offered a nice choice of UK programs. Wi-Fi service was a bit iffy and cost extra. So, it was great to digitally un-plug. The library, art galleries, boutiques, casino and the ship’s nooks and crannies provided ample byways to wander and wonder. My routine included: chapel, shopping, fitness class, teatime, bridge class, watercolor art class, Wi-Fi help desk, fruit & veggie carving class, meet-ups, planetarium, films, afternoon chamber music concerts, casino, spa, health, beauty, fitness seminars, lectures, films, library, solo piano concerts, late night ghost stories, jazz poetry, ballroom dance classes, ship tours, board games, and of course—taking photos and making new friends. Sleep: Several nights we slept through for 12 hours without trying! There’s something about the Atlantic Crossing that delivers the best sleep you will ever experience. The bathrobes and beds were luxurious too!

QM2 Masquerade BallWhat to wear: You are reminded daily about the dress code via the daily newsletter. “Ladies, No denim, flip flops, or armpits showing please!”  Men must wear dinner jackets or stay in your room! I packed my dapper husband’s evening clothes– tuxedo, dark suit, dress shirts, ties, cuff links, dress shoes and socks. Many women brought their grand ball gowns! I chose a simplified route. I wore evening jackets, tunics, pants and skirts and flats. In late June, we should have brought along all-weather jackets, gloves and hats. Luckily, I always travel with extra scarves. I loved the brisk sea air. It was exhilarating to be on the windy deck and balcony. Many passengers wore nice casual day dresses and separates. Laundry: The launderette was busy. Excited family groups primped and prepped for formal evenings ahead. They waited on orderly lines for washers, dryers and ironing boards. It was a surprising fun place to connect. Everyone was assigned a butler. Our guy, Ricardo, was always nearby checking on us. No, he did not do laundry! Other staff cleaned and changed linens. He mostly advised us about activities and directions, as the ship was huge.

QM2 evening jacket

Details: American Express Platinum travel services booked our trip. They are Cunard Line experts. We stayed at London’s Langham Hotel and Liverpool’s Hope Street Hotel. Our first class, direct airline tickets on Norwegian Air from London to New York were a surprising deal-about $500 each! We also received $600 ship credit to defray drinks, spa and shopping costs. Our balcony stateroom on the sixth level was perfectly located near the middle of the ship. We had unobstructed views of the ocean. Sail from Brooklyn and fly back from Europe for your first Atlantic Crossing. Bon Voyage!


QM2 newsletter